Home decoration 15 items do not have to wait for the decoration finished regret!

As a teacher of the past, many of the first-time homeowners are confused about the decoration. All the experience is learned from the friends who have been decorated. The experienced owner will tell you what to do and what to learn. What lessons should be learned? However, after listening to it, I was still confused. Today, Xiao Bian gave everyone a chance to sort out some of the matters that need attention!

First, use the balcony as a kitchen, dangerous

Put the stove on the balcony, in winter, it is easy to freeze the line pipe, causing safety accidents; in the spring and summer windy season, it is easy to blow out the fire, causing gas leaks.

Second, toilets are easy to get wet

Humidity of the bathroom makes it easy for the fungus to breed and reproduce; it causes respiratory diseases. Therefore, the wet mop cloth should be air-dried and then put into the bathroom; keep the sewer open.

Third, Qiao except home smell

The sewer mouth is sprinkled with yam pot, some fresh orange peels are mixed in the flower pots, and a pack of dried tea leaves is placed in the closet and drawer. A small amount of vinegar is placed in the cooking pot and heated to evaporate to remove odor.

Precautions Home decoration notice Precautions for decoration

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